May 2017

On Monday, May 22, 2017 at Palm Pointe Educational Research School in Tradition, Holocaust survivor Bernie Shore shared his story of survival with over one hundred and fifty sixth grade scholars. With Superintendent E. Wayne Gent and School Board Member Debbie Hawley in attendance, Mr. Shore spoke of his experience at Auschwitz and the tragic story of his family’s oppression at the hands of the Nazi’s. Over sixty of Bernie’s extended family perished during World War II.
Mr. Shore took individual questions of students while acknowledging their study of history and the important events that shaped our society. The students were inquisitive and respectful, and were able to receive a personal source confirming what they were learning as part of their Holocaust curriculum.
Mr. Shore closed his time with a message of hope for the future. Principal Kathleen Perez remarked that, “This was an opportunity for our Palm Pointe scholars to learn firsthand from someone who was there. It was a pleasure to have Mr. Shore talk to our students.” Pictured are students from sixth grade listening to Mr. Bernie Shores talk about the Holocaust.
Congratulations to 7 Palm Pointe students who won the 14th Amendment/ US Citizen Law Poster Contest!

February 2017

On February 1, 2017 the Jazz Program from Palm Pointe Educational Research School @ Tradition sent two middle school jazz bands to the District 13 Florida Bandmasters Association Jazz Music Performance Assessment. As the only groups from St. Lucie County they were proud to participate and represented our county with pride. Congratulations to them on two outstanding performances. Pictured are students from the seventh and eighth grade jazz bands with Band Director, Mr. Jason Hatfield in the center.
January 2017

News Channel 12’s Meteorologist Michael Ehrenberg came to Palm Pointe Educational Research School @ Tradition to speak with the fifth grade students to discuss weather patterns. He explained how using tools to measure weather helps meteorologists explain our forecast and provide us with our weather for the day or week. He also showed students pictures of what the studio looks like and how he is able to point on the green screen. Students enjoyed asking him questions and built an understanding of why weather is important. Pictured is Meteorologist Michael Ehrenberg talking to fifth grade students at Palm Pointe.
Blessing Bags Donated to Salvation Army from Palm Pointe

This year Palm Pointe Educational Research School @ Tradition decided to make Blessing Bags and partnered with the Salvation Army of St. Lucie County to help the homeless in the community.

This project was part of “Kindness Week” which was from January 6 -13, 2017 in conjunction with other activities planned for Martin Luther King Jr. Palm Pointe asked families to fill gallon ziploc bags with items people need on a daily basis. Some items that were included in the bags were; bottled water, hand sanitizer, toothbush/toothpaste, tissues, soap, deodorant, shampoo (trial size), comb, chapstick, snacks, canned soups with pop tops, etc. Our goal this year was to donate 500 Blessing Bags to this organization.

Families at Palm Pointe far exceeded this goal by generously donating over 1000 bags. Palm Pointe presented Blessing Bags to Captain Maria Hernandez from the Salvation Army of St. Lucie County to be used for people in the community that are in need. A huge thank you to all the families at Palm Pointe who helped with this worthy cause.
1st picture – Pictured from left is; Mrs. Rachel Koenig (Assistant Principal), Mr. John Keelor (Assistant Principal), Mrs. Kathleen Perez (Principal), Captain Maria Hernandez from the Salvation Army, Mrs. Debborah Estrada (Dean), Mrs. B-J Farrell (Dean’s Clerk) and Athresha Kalluri, President of N.J.H.S.

December 2016

The P.B.I.S. (Positive Behavior Interventions and Support) Team at Palm Pointe Educational Research School @ Tradition is getting in the holiday spirit by selling Holiday Socks to the students and staff. These socks are being worn throughout the week before Winter Break. This fundraiser helps to fund the classrooms in order for the teachers to purchase items for their stores/treasure boxes. Students earn rocket fuel throughout the school year by following the team expectations at Palm Pointe and then use the rocket fuel to purchase items in the classroom or for school wide events. Pictured are students from Ms. Zedenk’s second grade class all wearing the Holiday Socks. The students and teacher look very festive in their socks!

National Beta is committed to recognizing high academic achievement, rewarding and nurturing worthy character, fostering leadership skills, and encouraging service to others. Last week students from Palm Pointe Educational Research School @ Tradition’s Beta Club were building on the school’s tradition of excellence by attending their first State Beta Convention in Orlando. Students went above and beyond by competing in eight different areas against other Florida Beta members. In Division I Robotics: Nico Tovar, Estaban Gomes Lopez, Ava Borgella, and Newman Crews received 1st Place. In Division I Advertising Design: Nachbi Pierre, Elizabeth Chavez-Munden, Gabriella Albritton, and Alexia Morgan received 1st place. In Division I Math: Keely Moody received 2nd place runner-up. In addition, in Division I Social Studies: Fabrizzio Capocci received 2nd place runner-up. Students will be competing again in the National Convention in June, here in Orlando. We are so proud that our Beta members are ready to be challenged to go above and beyond. Pictured below are students from the club along with their sponsors, Ms. Tara Hearl and Mrs. Laura Justice. Great job rockets!!

On December 3, 2016 Palm Pointe Educational Research School @ Tradition celebrated their annual Breakfast With Santa. The event was a huge success with families enjoying a delicious pancake breakfast, kids making holiday crafts, a face painting booth, raffles, pictures with Santa and holiday songs performed by Mrs. Melanie Larsen and Mrs. Deborrah Estrada. It was a great time to relax with Palm Pointe families and staff at the beginning of the holiday season. Pictured is Mrs. Luv Lima and her two sons, seventh grader Marcos Lima and fifth grader Rio Lima along with many other families in the background.

The Lima Family

Santa with Administration, Principal, Mrs. Kathleen Perez, Assistant Principal, Mr. John Keelor and Assistant Principal, Mrs. Rachel Koenig
October 2016

Students at Palm Pointe Educational Research School @ Tradition recently participated in a school wide P.B.I.S. (Positive Behavior Interventions and Support) fundraising event. Students were able to come outside by grade level and participate in Olympic type games. There were different areas set up with an obstacle course, football toss and field goal kick, soccer, kickball, basketball, flag football and a dance area. The students went around to each area during the hour. At the end of the event all students received a snack, drink, and small trinket with the United States red, white and blue theme. It was a great turn out and a fun event for all students that participated. Pictured are eighth grade students using hula hoops to show the rings used as a symbol for the Olympics.

Palm Pointe Educational Research School @ Tradition’s third grade students had a special visit from Port Saint Lucie’s Mayor, Greg Oravec. Mayor Oravec talked to the students about what government means and how the different levels interact with each other. He supported their learning by having discussions regarding the different branches of government along with how citizens can make a difference.
September 2016

Students at Palm Pointe Educational Research School @ Tradition celebrated their positive behavior by using their earned rocket fuel to be out of dress code for Throwback Thursday sponsored by the P.B.I.S. (Positive Behavior Interventions and Support) Team. Students earn rocket fuel each day for going above and beyond and following the TEAM expectations. This is just one event that they can spend their rocket fuel on throughout the year. Every class has a rocket menu of items that their students can purchase with their rocket fuel and the school also offers school wide events that they can choose to participate in. Throwback Thursday was enjoyed by everyone including the staff. Pictured are middle school students and Principal, Kathleen Perez. Keep up the positive behavior Rockets!

Every year Palm Pointe Educational Research School @ Tradition hosts a breakfast for the school’s bus drivers. Drivers and aides that come to our school each day are invited to come and enjoy a fun morning with a delicious hot breakfast. A power point presentation is also shared with the drivers going over the P.B.I.S. (Positive Behavior Interventions and Support) expectations for the students. All drivers go home with a gift to show how much they are appreciated. Raffle prizes and a game were also part of the morning’s festivities. Pictured from left is Dean Debborah Estrada as she gives a gift to bus driver Mr. Alan Lisansky.

Kindergarten teachers and students at Palm Pointe Educational Research School @ Tradition invited grandparents to school to read with their grandchild and spend time with them. Students then completed a survey and picture about their grandparent with some help from their loved ones. It was a great event! Pictured from the left is Grandparents Pat DeCicio, Pamela DeCicio and their granddaughter Brianna Hudson.

On September 9, 2016, Palm Pointe 6th graders paid tribute to 9/11 by participating in a special presentation about multiple perspectives in history. Students heard the oral histories of guest speakers, Mr. Dennis Keane (retired NYC firefighter), Firefighter Ray Reiprecht (PSL fire department), and Ms. Diane Berger (former NYC air traffic controller,) who were involved that day. The presenters expressed themes of unity and resilience, discussing how the country came together in the aftermath of the tragedy. Pictured from left is Mr. Dennis Keane, Mr. Ray Reiprecht and Mrs Diane Berger.