Resources to Help Parents Support Kids’ STEM Interests and Explorations –


DiscoverE | Engineering activities and resources for kids –

ExploraVision –

STEM Career Websites for Parents | Science Pioneers –


Lakewood Park Elementary – Home ( book page

Technology – Check out this collection of education folders for students to use.  Important programs for every grade level.

Kim Kommando – Check out Kim Kommando’s daily tip of the day and cool site of the day to learn more about computers.

Folder Marker – Color-code your folders to organize and keep track of your files.

Time Left – This freeware download lets you have a stop watch right on you computer. Students know how much time they have left, when it is time to stop working on the computer, or when to move to their next assignment.

PBS for Parents – This informational site was development by PBS. It gives parents information, ideas, and skills to help their child be successful.

PBS: Ask the Expert – Sometimes parents have questions and do not know where to find the answers. Here parents can get answers to some of the tough behavior problems their child may be experiencing.

Disease, Nutrition, Safety
CDC for Kids – This web site by the Center for Disease Control is perfect for letting kids learn about disease, nutrition, safety, and more. Kids can even share their thoughts and some of the things they learned how to do to solve difficult problems or break bad habits.

Building Learning and Homework Skills
ESL Wonderland – This site offers fun learning activities to build your learning skills.


SumdogStudents login to practice math fact fluency (click on the word Sumdog)

Web Quests

Ancient Rome Web Quest
Take a web quest journey to Ancient Rome!  Learn about how democracy came about, what was it like to live during that time, and more.  Take the time to enjoy the art of learning!

Earth Day Web Quest
Earth Day is every day.  Take time to do this web quest with your class or with your child.  A web quest is a unique opportunity to use the Internet to explore and learn new things.  Web quest are not just for school, create web quests for your kids and see how much fun they have learning and discovery how much you can learn yourself!

Learn how to create your own web quest!  Web Quest Template    Web Quest Information

Learning English
ESL 4 Learning – This web site contains interactive activities for adults and kids. The lessons are designed to help build fluency of the English language.

Learning English – This site is designed to support parents and answers questions about learning english.
BC Federation of Teachers – This site offers a brochure to parents in many different languages. The brochure answers many questions parents have about their child and school.