PTO Board Members
President- Kristin Battipaglia
Treasurer- Jennifer Scipioni
Secretary- Nikki Richardson
Graphic Designer- Sarah Madden
President’s Message
The PTO’s goal is to support educational goals while enjoying children’s creative side. We strive for continued parent involvement in helping build a better educational environment for our children. We also, promote a school community where teachers and administrators can do their best work with the resources provided and help make school fun. Through fundraising efforts, the PTO was able to hold events such as Falloween and Winter Wonderland. We provided a book vending machine, new outdoor tables, numerous new instruments to our Music Department, microscopes for Science and new PE equipment. We also provided new books to our Media Center. For teacher appreciation week, we also provided lunch and surprises all week for the entire faculty at Mariposa.
For the PTO to be effective and to be a true representative of the school, it is essential to have parental involvement from as many parents as possible. Many working parents feel that they cannot be included in the PTO because they cannot come to every meeting or be on campus during the day. There are endless possibilities in ways you can help. Whatever your own level of flexibility, Mariposa PTO always appreciates their parent volunteers, as does our teachers and staff. Keep in mind that by volunteering, you will get to enjoy interacting with the kids, become friends with other parents, and accomplish things that truly make a difference.
Whether you have 30 minutes or a couple of hours, your ideas, your time, and your talents are truly needed. We can match your time constraints and interests to needed tasks. Please consider volunteering, it really does make a difference in the lives of our children! We look forward to seeing you!
Kristin Battipaglia
PTO President
Box Tops for Education
Box Top coupons are on the packaging of hundreds of participating products that you probably use every day. All you need to do is cut them off of the box they are on, stick them in a baggie, and send them to school with your child. Or if you like you can attach your Box Tops to collection sheets with glue, tape or a bag. The grade that collects the most box tops at the end of each month will win an ice pop party during lunch, so be sure to include your child’s grade with the box tops you turn in.
Mariposa Elementary’s PTO Custom Book Vending Machine
Students and families worked hard during our ReadAThon fundraiser to purchase this amazing machine for our school!
Order a monarch medallion for your child to choose their own book and build their own personal library by using the link or QR code below!
Cash order forms are available upon request
School Pay Monarch Medallion Order
Upcoming PTO Sponsored Events
Family Fun Color Run: 9/21/24

Falloween: 10/18/24
Winter Wonderland
Anyone who wants to help with any events please contact PTO at
Volunteer Coordinator- Kimberly Durante