We are excited to share that our Kindergarteners were able to take a field trip to the Manatee Center and learned a ton about the Florida State Marine Mammal!
A few Classy Colts attended the 2023 SLPS History Fair, where they presented their research project and were evaluated by judges on their efforts, skills/abilities, and unique creation! Awesome work! Thank you Ms. Bell and Ms. Slater for inspiring our students!
Samuel S. Gaines Academy of Emerging Technologies is pleased to announce our Teacher of the Year, Distinguished Minority Educator Award, Outstanding First Year Teacher, and School Related Employee of the Year! SGAET Teacher of the Year 2023 Ms. Shadeka Missick Outstanding First Year Teacher Ms. Cristal Gamez School Related Employee of the Year Ms. Veronica…
Parents: Please talk with your student(s) about being a responsible digital citizen. The expectations established at school around the responsible use of computers and the internet carry over into the home for distance learning. Thank you.
Samuel S. Gaines Academy of Emerging Technologies teachers John Renschler and Yiranny Guzman won big at the annual Night of the Stars event on February 5th, 2022. Ms. Yiranny Guzman was selected as the St. Lucie Public Schools Outstanding First Year Teacher! She is more than deserving of this recognition. Her students say that she…
Our very own, Mr. John Renschler, 1st Grade teacher at Samuel S. Gaines Academy of Emerging Technologies is one of three finalist for the St. Lucie Public Schools Teacher-of-the-Year! Mr. Renschler’s work on Winter Games, his passion for creating an exciting classroom culture, and his dedication to his student’s has earned him a spot in…
Congratulations Ms. Yiranny Guzman for being selected as a top-three finalist for St. Lucie Public Schools Outstanding First Year Teacher! We are very proud of Ms. Guzman’s hard work and effort that has led to this honor.
Mr. Nicks is back at it again with another engaging science lesson for 8th graders at Samuel S. Gaines Academy! Students investigated how temperature affects the chemical reactions happening inside a glow stick. With the lights down low and the chemical changes happening in the glow stick, students were able to see first hand how…
With suitcases in hand, Samuel S. Gaines Academy of Emerging Technologies Kindergarten embarked on a journey around the world to learn all about the different holiday traditions in each country. With passports stamped, students read and wrote about one country each day and built their knowledge on holiday traditions celebrated everywhere!
We are proud of our outstanding 4th grade students at Samuel S. Gaines Academy of Emerging Technologies. The pictured students (Leon Cloud Jr, Ivori Young, Raziyah Johnson, Anaila Ponce, Urbaid Rahman & Cynthia Rios) were able to complete and submit entries to Governor Ron DeSantis’ and First Lady DeSantis’ Hispanic Heritage Month essay contest, with…
In honor of National Bullying Prevention Month, Samuel S. Gaines Academy of Emerging Technologies 6th grade students in Miss G’s computer science class are raising self-awareness on how to prevent bullying in their school and community using the block-based programming language called Scratch. Students get to put their computational thinking and problem-solving skills to the…
Quarter 3 Report Cards are now posted. You can access your student’s report card through their Skyward account or through Family Access. Here are step by step directions. https://student.stlucie.k12.fl.us/scripts/wsisa.dll/WService=wsEAplus/seplog01.w?fbclid=IwAR15awVG6FFZrUexgppQJJDegs9oLFSvKKdY9BDA2YMeXu0OQRa7Z1TZqSM
Ms. Luna’s 2nd grade students were thrilled to be doctors for the day. She turned her classroom into operating rooms and students worked in teams to save their paper patient by completing hands-on tasks in math, phonics, reading and grammar. When each assignment was complete, they could transplant an organ into their patient. All these…
For the concluding week of Black History Month, the speakers were Sandy Mack, Sr. and Dr. Samuel S. Gaines. Mr. Mack spoke on the importance of listening to & learning from elders. Dr. Samuel Gaines explained how far we’ve come from the segregation he experienced; having a hard time just getting books to now having…
Kindergarten students exploring measurement during hands-on STEM stations. #SLPSMagnet
Sybil Bell, Civics instructor, has arranged for speakers to come each Thursday in February to celebration Black History Month. On February 6th, Andre Barnes, art teacher, and Martin Steward, technology teacher, spoke to our students and encouraged them to bring out their talents, stay focused and avoid distractions as they move through life. There was…
Prospective students and their parents are invited to join us on Tuesday, February 18th from 6-7PM to learn about our STEM focused magnet programs. Please RSVP at: tinyurl.com/SGAET0218.
Samuel S. Gaines Academy of Emerging Technologies has been awarded a UBTECH Early Innovator Grant! SGAET is the First and Only School in Florida to be awarded an Early Innovator Grant, and just 23 schools across the nation received the award. UBTECH Education is a division of UBTECH—a global leader in intelligent, humanoid robots for…