Parents Change the World
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Click here ->Village Green Environmental Studies 2024/2025 – 2 | Dragonfly Graphics | powered by OrderMyGear
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Orders will be available based on the following schedule:
January 8TH AT 11:59PM – January 26TH AT 11:59PM.
Orders will be ready by February 16th.
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Dragonfly Graphics is not a retail facility. All orders are custom made to print.
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PTO meets monthly on the last Wednesday of each month at 3:45PM in the school media center.
The purpose of the Village Green PTO is to enhance and support the educational experience at Village Green Environmental Studies School, to develop a closer connection between school, home and community by encouraging parent involvement, and to improve the environment at Village Green Environmental Studies School through volunteer and financial support.
The PTO plans family-oriented activities and fundraising events during the year that include:
Fall Fundraiser, Father-Daughter Sweetheart Dance, Mother-Son Social, Teacher Appreciation Luncheon, Back-to-School Breakfast, and 5th Grade Picnic and more. They collect Box Tops for Education to raise funds that are donated back to the school.
We encourage you to join this dynamic group and support our school.
Contact the PTO
Leave a message at the school for the PTO president, Kristen Brenan, at (772) 337-6750.
School Advisory Councils (SAC)
SAC meets monthly on the last Wednesday of each month at 3:45PM in the school media center.
The School Advisory Council (SAC) is a team of people representing various segments of the community–parents, teachers, students, administrators, support staff, business/ industry people and other interested community members. The purpose of a SAC is to assist in the preparation and evaluation (developing and evaluating) of the results of the school improvement plan and to assist the principal with the annual school budget. Additionally, SAC receives funds “to be used at the discretion of the School Advisory Committee. A portion of the money should be used for implementing the school improvement plan.” “The improvement plan shall include performance indicators which are measurable.” “Funding for use by the School Advisory Councils should be allocated directly to the School Advisory Councils, should be clearly earmarked for their use and is not subject to override by the Principal or interim approvals by school district staff. These moneys may be expended only on programs or projects selected by the school advisory council. These moneys may not be used for capital improvements.”
Each school in the State of Florida must have a SAC. By law, each SAC must be composed of the principal and an “appropriately balanced” number of “stakeholders.” These individuals must be representative of the ethnic, racial and economic makeup of the community served by the school. The majority of SAC members (over 50 percent) must not be employed by the SCHOOL DISTRICT on whose SAC they serve.
“The whole point of school improvement is data-driven decision making. The process is SUPPOSED to be fairly simple and straight forward: The SAC reviews relevant data (which is much more than test scores), identifies problem areas, develops improvement strategies, monitors their implementation, and then starts the whole process over when the next round of data is available.” — KM, DOE
Information from:
What's Happening at the Village?
St. Lucie Public Schools is proud to be a Kids at Hope School District. Our schools are committed to being a place where caring adults have high expectations for students, provide opportunities to succeed, celebrate success, and believe in children.
What is Kids at Hope? It is a commitment to all children, at every age, stage, and grade level. It is a culture where adults believe in children, connect with them, discover their talents, and help students develop dreams and goals for the future. This is what hope is all about!
Kids at Hope is a community-wide movement that includes local government, law enforcement agencies, daycare centers, recreational facilities, and countless other organizations in St. Lucie County. St. Lucie Public Schools proudly partners with the Roundtable of St. Lucie County to provide a strong school-community partnership that keeps Kids at Hope going.
The St. Lucie Public School District implemented a five-year plan for all public schools to become Kids at Hope schools and that goal was achieved in April 2018.
All public schools in St. Lucie County practice the principles and belief systems of Kids at Hope.
Universal Truths
Kids at Hope is based on three universal truths:
- We believe that all children are capable of success, no exceptions.
- We connect with all children in a meaningful, sustainable way through relationships called Aces.
- We encourage all children toward course of action needed to experience success at life’s four major destinations: Home & Family, Hobbies & Recreation, Community & Service, Education & Career.
Kids at Hope’s vision is that every child is afforded the belief, guidance and encouragement that creates a sense of hope and optimism, supported by a course of action needed to experience success at life’s four major destinations:
- Home & Family
- Education & Career
- Community & Service
- Hobbies & Recreation
Kids at Hope inspires, empowers and transforms schools, organizations serving youth and entire communities to create an environment and culture where all children experience success,
Value Statement
- Every child is at hope, no exceptions
- Hope depends on every adult’s contribution
- Respect, support and enhance relationships with all organizations that serve children
- Demonstrate passion in all that we do
- Ensure all practices are well researched, evidence based and outcome driven
For more information about Kids at Hope, visit
Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) is a collaborative (team-based), educative, proactive and functional process to developing effective interventions for problem behavior.
The positive refers to a change of focus from reactive, constantly pointing out what students did wrong (negatives), to proactive teaching and recognizing what children are doing right (positives).
PBIS views appropriate consequences as those that are effective in changing the student’s inappropriate behavior.
PBIS acknowledges and rewards students for following school-wide expectations and rules. The rewards are earned for following the expectations.
School-wide Expectations
Village Green Environmental Studies School focuses on our students participating in a series of field study programs designed to “leave no child inside.” Our backyard scientists benefit though partnerships with local experts and advisors from Savannas Preserve (Florida State Parks Division).
Our on-site nature trail provides many learning opportunities which include the study of plant life both native and invasive, animal habitats, insect study, bird identification, water testing, and weather and wind patterns. Our future plans include water harvesting, hydroponic gardening, community tree nursery and renewable energy in the forms of solar and wind. Our backyard garden is in the process of a full remodel. We are breaking ground in adapting hands-on curriculum, where every child in every grade will have a hand in our garden before graduation.