Lawnwood Parents Attended a Family Night

Parents received support as they learned how to use Skyward to access their child’s attendance information, grades, Progress Monitoring Reading and Math Scores, and so much more. A special thank you goes out to our School Counselors, Ms. Demontegnac and Mrs. Oge for coordinating and hosting our Skyward Family Night. GO LEOPARDS!

Lawnwood Leopards love to READ!

Mrs. Santo’s third grade students are enjoying the book Chocolate Fever written by Robert Kimmel Smith. Her students enjoy the daily read aloud which allows students to enhance their reading comprehension, vocabulary, and listening skills. GO LAWNWOOD!

Lawnwood Leopards are Using Their Reading, Writing, Science, and Math Skills as They Learn About Sea Turtles

Erin McCarthy’s ESE Resource Room students at Lawnwood Elementary participated in the Traveling Turtles Trunk Program through the Inwater Research Group. Students learned about the Sea Turtles that nest along the Treasure Coast by participating in hands-on labs. Mrs. McCarthy’s students shared their learning through writing paragraphs, creating graphic organizers, and crafting their own Sea…


Lawnwood Leopards Participated in a Recycle Project

Third grade students from Mrs. Morris’s class and Mrs. Wright’s are helping the earth. Crayons are a petroleum product that takes many years to biodegrade. Lawnwood leopards recycled old and broken crayons. Students sorted and shipped the crayons to the national crayon recycle program. Our students are keeping unwanted crayons from going into landfills. These…
