Testing Coordinator Shines Light on New FAST Assessments 

As school assessments roll out across campus, Northport K-8 is taking measures to help parents understand the new testing program, Florida Assessment of Student Thinking (FAST).  FAST Assessments replaced the Florida Standards Assessment (FSA), which was the previous standardized state assessment used in Florida. FAST assessments include VPK through grade 10 English Language Arts and…

Gifted Teacher Shares Top Three Strategies for Excellent Essays

Essay-writing phobia is a thing.  Maybe it’s because curating ideas backed by evidence can be a challenging task, or perhaps it’s because of the strict time limits and deadlines that come with classroom assignments and testing schedules. Generating material becomes even more difficult when you are given a topic you are not interested in.  Many variables can…

Back to School Checklist and Important Information

[ult_countdown count_style=”ult-cd-s2″ datetime=”2022/08/10 09:30:00″ countdown_opts=”sday” br_style=”double” br_size=”10″ br_color=”#ffffff” timer_bg_color=”#1300a5″ br_time_space=”50″ string_days=”Day to Go!” string_days2=”Days to Go!” tick_col=”#ffffff” tick_size=”desktop:40px;” tick_sep_size=”desktop:20px;”] We can hardly believe it either, in less than 30 days we will be back in the classroom and school will be back in session. Our teachers are working hard to ensure a smooth transition for…