(Science ~Technology ~Engineering~ Arts~ Mathematics)

…is designed to transform the teaching of multiple compartmentalized subject areas into a “meta-discipline.”

Northport’s goal with STEaM is to establish a well-balanced education  by transforming a teacher-centered classroom curriculum into a problem-solving, discovery, exploratory learning environment, which encourages students to actively engage in situations that require finding solutions.  It stimulates the ability to think critically, work independently and as a member of a team.

Northstars Photonics 1_1 (1)

This cross-curriculum program provides a creative and innovative way to apply what has been learned. by promoting independent innovation and encourage students to explore greater depths of all skills learned in the traditional classroom setting.

In order to accomplish such goals we have customized our curriculum by adding programs that engage and meet the needs of our students, we maximized the use of local resources and established partnerships with numerous local and national orgnizations.

National Junior Honor Society

Laser & Photonics:

 National Science Foundation


Indian River State College


Project Lead The Way- Gateway To Technology

            Design & Modeling (Autodesk Inventor- Animation)

            Automation & Robotics (Computer Programming-Coding)

            Medical Detectives (Forensic Science-Medical and Crime Scenes Investigations)

            Flight & Space (Aviation – Space Travel and Exploration)


Information Technology (Hardware & Software) (Mac & Windows OS)

Build and custimize computer

Install and repair computer parts

Troubleshoot hardware and software conflicts

Install and customize programs

Create and maintain websites

Take full advantage of all office software:

            Word Processor-Microsoft Word

Spreadsheet- Microsoft Excel

Presentation- Microsoft Power Point

Publishing- Microsoft Publisher

            Slideshows- Apple iPhoto

            Movies- Apple iMovie


Teams and Competitions:

Laser & Photonics



Vex IQ Award 2013-2014