Northport K-8 School is a high quality Title I school with a large percentage of our instructors deemed “Highly Effective.” Teachers achieve the grade of highly effective by collecting and using student data, using collaborative planning and problem solving, planning and designing beautiful lessons, engaging parents and community partners in the planning and design of lessons, participating in effective professional development and implementing the school wide positive behavior support among so many other things that teachers do on a daily basis.
Three teachers from Northport are being celebrated by the state of Florida as “High Impact” teachers. We are thrilled to have these fine teachers represent all Northport teachers. Katherine Hotchkiss, Sheree Madorma and Laurie Farr are the Northport High Impact teachers for this year. These teachers have worked with groups of students who have shown improvement for the last three years. Thank you teachers for representing our school so well. Much appreciated by your community of teachers, learners and parents.