Why Join A Club/Organization?

Clubs and Organizations are at the heart of Rivers Edge’s Theme: REE REAL–Relationships Empower Academic Life.

Clubs and organizations connect the community through shared interests, allow students to take on leadership roles, and give them the opportunity to dive into an interest, whether as a club leader or a member. Clubs of all kinds provide an important sense of community at a school and give students an opportunity to delve into interests of all kinds. They have added much to the culture of the school and to students’ sense of belonging.


Clubs Available at Rivers Edge:

Morning News Crew, 5th Grade only

Club Sponsor: Mrs. Glennon, e-mail laura.glennon@stlucieschools.org


      • Teacher recommendation
      • Grades must be passing (nothing lower than a C in any class, including Resource)
      • No behavior referrals
      • Must be able to arrive no later than 8:20 am daily, without excessive absences
      • Should be able to read well and speak clearly (for on-camera) or be comfortable with computers and technology (for crew)
      • Must have permission to be video recorded

Odyssey of the Mind, Grade 5

Club Sponsor: Mr. Redding, email eric.redding@stlucieschools.org


Hello amazing 5th graders! Do you like solving problems, using teamwork, and most of all, being creative? If so, boy, do I have a club for you! My name is Mr. Redding, and I am Rivers Edge Elementary’s Odyssey of The Mind Coach! Odyssey is a fun, problem-solving competition that will test the limits of your imagination.


Does this sound like it’s for you?  Tryouts are simple: on the back of this sheet, tell me what you would build with ordinary household items: tin foil, clay, straws, paper towel holders, etc. The more creative the response, the better chance you have of making the team! Responses are due to me, Mr. Redding, 4th, and 5th grade teacher, in my Room (406) by Friday, August 19th. If you are chosen for the team, more information will be given to you at that time. Best of luck, students!


If you make the team, you and 6 other classmates will be immersed into a whole world of awesome fun!  In meetings, held weekly on Tuesdays and Thursdays, you will work together to solve a “Long-Term problem” which is sort of like a play, with certain elements you must have–the more creative the solution, the better! You also have Spontaneous, a game where it requires you to think FAST and on your feet!  Both will pit you against other school Odyssey teams at a tournament that is usually held in March.

Safety Patrol, 5th Grade Only

Club Sponsor: Mr. Madden, e-mail steven.fawcett@stlucieschools.org


Being a Safety Patrol is an honor and a privilege. It is (for most of you) your first true job, and Mr. Fawcett views it as such. It is a job of commitment and service to your school throughout the year. You must display leadership qualities and be responsible. Your duties may include assisting students in the cafeteria, hallways and parent pickup, and always being courteous to everyone. Whether you are on-duty or off-duty, you should observe the school rules and set a good example for other students at Rivers Edge Elementary.  We need you and count on you!


Safety Patrol members are the face of the school, often one of the first people seen and heard by students, visitors, and staff. As is such, Safety Patrol members are expected to uphold superior leadership and integrity. The following circumstances will lead to your dismissal from the Rivers Edge Safety Patrol (Think Three-Strikes):

      • Too many absences.
      • Multiple times being late to patrol duty or leaving your duty post early.
      • Inappropriate behavior while on duty or on-going behavior in the cafeteria, at recess, or in class.
      • On-going socializing and/or ignoring patrol responsibilities while on duty.
      • Insubordinate or disrespectful behavior toward staff, parents, students, or community members.
      • If you are sent to the office (could be immediately dismissed).
      • Not wearing your safety patrol belt.
      • Not being in dress code.


      • Be a responsible 5th Grader.
      • Have a courteous and helpful attitude.
      • Be a good role model with a desire to serve their school.
      • Teacher recommendation.


If you are going to be absent, it is your responsibility to let Mr. Madden know.  More than 10 absences or tardies (arriving late or leaving early) will affect your position on safety patrol!


      • Report for duty on time and wear your safety patrol belt at all times while on duty.
      • When the first bell rings, or when excused by Mr. Fawcett, or another teacher, you may leave your position.
      • Greet, direct “traffic” flow, maintain safety, report any concerns.

School Musical, All Grades

Director of Musical–Mrs. Girling, e-mail deborah.girling@stlucieschools.org

Auditions: January, 2025
Musical Selection: Winnie the Pooh

Student Council, Grades 3-5

Co-Sponsor 1- Mrs. Lane, e-mail jessica.lane@stlucieschools.org


Rivers Edge Elementary School holds elections for Student Council, beginning in October of each school year. Officers and representatives of Student Council are leaders in our school and community. Members will organize, facilitate, and participate in events such as the canned food drive, Martin Luther King parade, Relay for Life, campus cleanups, fundraisers, and other community outreach opportunities. Events take place before school, after school, and on Saturdays.


Student Council members exemplify our three school-wide expectations: Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be a Role Model. Representatives must maintain at least a “C” average in all academic subjects and be a positive role model. If at any time during the school year, a Student Council member receives a referral or is unable to meet any of the requirements stated herein, the Student Council representative will be removed from Student Council.


3rd grade teachers select one student from their class to act as your Student Council Class Representative. Third grades students are not eligible to run for Student Council Officer.

4th/5th grade teachers, come a Forms survey online to express interest in one of the four Officer positions: President (5th Grade only), Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Students who are interested in Student Council and have completed the Form will receive an application that must be signed off by the student, parent/guardian, and teacher.

The office of President is only open to fifth grade students. The offices of Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer will be open to fourth and fifth grade students. An officer should be able to communicate effectively in a leadership position. They need to be able to speak in front of students and sometimes adults.

Elections–The primary election will be held online through Teams, and only fourth and fifth grade students will vote in the primary election. The three candidates receiving the most votes in each category will be notified, and they will move on to the final election. The final election candidates should campaign by making posters, flyers, and a short video which can be presented online. Voting for the final election will take place in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade homeroom classes through Teams/Forms.

Wilderness Club, Grade 5

Sponser–Mrs. Slappey, email: Christine.Slappey@stlucieschools.org

Students in the Wilderness Club get to explore the nature around our beautiful campus.  Rivers edge is located just off St. Lucie River and Oxbow Eco-Center, providing wilderness adventurers the opportunity to see the beautiful nature all around them.  Students take treks along these areas looking for and identifying different plants and animals.