Rivers Edge Elementary meets the needs of our students utilizing special programs.

Rivers Edge Elementary is located in a wooded area along the banks of the St. Lucie River in Port St. Lucie, Florida. The fifteen acre site is comprised of five different ecosystems:

•Pine flatwoods
•River marsh
•Upland marsh

The heart of our school – our Media Center – supplements the curriculum as literacy, technology, science and math skills are combined to enrich the educational opportunity of every student.


Our school motto, “The School with the Heart of Gold” reflects the enthusiastic and caring commitment to life-long learning shared by students and staff.



River’s Edge…

  • is an “A” rated school
  • has received the FIVE STAR School Award for parent and community involvement
  • has received the Golden School Award for volunteer service
  • actively participates in Food for Families
  • participates in the American Heart Association’s “Jump Rope for Heart” fundraiser

English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)

The School Board of St. Lucie County is committed to providing equal educational opportunity for all students. This includes ensuring that every student becomes proficient in English communication skills.

The ESOL Program is designed to meet communication and academic needs of limited English proficient students who come from an environment where the native language is other than English and who have difficulty understanding, reading, and writing English. The program provides them with the English languages skills necessary to function effectively in a regular school program.

ESOL students use the computer program Imagine Learning focused on immersing the learner in the English language.

Exceptional Student Education (ESE)

Students eligible under the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) and students eligible for the Gifted Program receive exceptional student education services at Rivers Edge Elementary.

Gifted/High Achieving and Accelerated Math Program

In our Gifted/High Achieving program we differentiate the processes, content and products according to a student’s readiness, interest and creativity.  In addition, beginning in third grade, qualifying students are invited to join our Accelerated Math Program (AMP).  This program follows an accelerated math curriculum that will enable a student to complete 6th grade advanced math by the end of 5th grade.  The advantage of AMP for students is that they will have been taught all grade level standards prior to taking Algebra in 7th grade.  The other required classes in 3rd-5th grade will follow grade level standards, but will continue to include enrichment activities and/or engagement strategies that focus on critical thinking and problem solving.

For those interested in a gifted designation, students may be referred to the school team for screening by classroom teachers, school personnel, guidance counselors or parents. A student is then evaluated through a screening process using the Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test (K-BIT). Those students who demonstrate outstanding potential are further referred to the school psychologist for an individual psychological evaluation.

According to the State of Florida criteria for gifted, students must score at least two standard deviations above the mean on the individually administered standardized test of intelligence. In addition, a student must demonstrate a majority of the characteristics of a gifted student according to a standard checklist and show a need for programming beyond the regular classroom.


Our guidance department has several programs: High Hopes, Leadership and Friendship.

Speech Therapy

Our Speech/Language Specialist works with students who need help with language development and articulation.  Speech and language therapy services are available to identified students with Individual Education Plans (IEP).


Volunteer Program

Rivers Edge honors its school Volunteers. Without the much needed assistance of volunteers, we would not be what we are today. If you are interested in becoming a school volunteer, please contact our School Volunteer Coordinator at 772-785-5600.

Before and After School Program

The Boys and Girls Club of St. Lucie County have a before and after school program located at Rivers Edge Elementary. Students who need to arrive before start of school or need to stay late (after dismissal) can enroll in the Boys and Girls program. Please visit them in the cafeteria before or after school for more information.