Excellent SGA Band

Congratulations to Ms. Drayton and the SGA Advanced Band students. They received an excellent rating in their first ever Florida Bandmasters Association’s District 13 Music Performance Assessment (MPA). Way to go musical COLTS!

SGA Florida Standard Assessment Calendar

Tips for parents to prepare your child for a testing session: 1. Mark testing days on your calendar to help remind you and your child when their testing will take place. 2. Make sure your child gets at least their normal amount of sleep the night before the test. 3. The student should eat a…

Spring Forward

The Extended Day program is getting ready for Spring by clearing the garden to plant some yummy vegetables. Students hope to share their harvest before the end of the school year.

Jedi Order Prevails

Episode V of the SGA Winter Games, The New Dream was held on March 1st. We are happy to report the Jedi Order once again prevailed over the Dark Empire. The 8th grade UM Jedi teachers gained the trophy and won a pod party for their students.

FSA Tunnel of Hope

Thank you to community members, District staff, Roundtable of St. Lucie County and SLC School Board Vice Chairman, Mrs. Hawley for coming to SGA for our Tunnel of Hope. Students were greeted with cheers and high fives by Treasure Hunters encouraging them to do their best on the Florida Standards Assessment for Writing.


SGA Winter Games, Episode V: A New Dream will be held March 1st from 5:30-7:30. Come join in all the fun. Cheer your Jedi teachers on to win a pod party. The first 100 students receive a free tote-bag full of school supplies! Students must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

Class & Spring Pictures

February 28th is Class and Spring picture day. All PreK through 5th grade homerooms will have a class picture taken. PreK through 8th grade students that order a Spring picture will be the only ones individually photographed.