LPA Orchestras Participate in MPAs
Congratulations to our High School & Middle School Orchestras that performed today for their MPAs. Both orchestras earned excellent scores for their stage performances and superior ratings for their sight-reading!
Congratulations to our High School & Middle School Orchestras that performed today for their MPAs. Both orchestras earned excellent scores for their stage performances and superior ratings for their sight-reading!
Congratulations to the LPA Choral Department who on Saturday participated in the Florida Vocal Association District 13 Music Performance Assessments. Both choral ensembles “Premiere” and “Belle Voix” received straight Superior ratings for their outstanding performances. This also includes Superior ratings for Sight-reading as well. LPA is now eligible for the FVA State Choral MPA which…
Led by Band Directors Mr. Jason Albert and Mr. Jason Hatfield, the talented musicians of the Lincoln Park Academy Wind Ensemble gave an incredible performance at the 2025 District 13 Florida Bandmasters Association Concert Music Performance Assessment. Performing for a panel of four adjudicators, the LPA Wind Ensemble earned Straight Superior ratings for the second…
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