Mrs. Longo’s HOPE classes partnered with the HOSA club in the Battle of the Belts challenge. The group surveyed student and parent drivers to see who was wearing their seatbelts. Of the 320 cars, 300 people wore their seatbelts and only 20 did not! Great job to those who participated!
The HOPE classes also participated in a poster contest sponsored by the Treasure Coast Safe Kids and the Florida Department of Transportation. The winners were Natalie Barajas, Elianna Bohorquez, Michael Soto, Asyah Hamilton, Nalyce Cerda, Angelina Kissoon and Olivia Costa. Each participant won a Chik-Filet gift card. Congratulations to all!
In March 2025 all HOPE students will participate in the Florida Bicycle Safety Quiz. This is a brief interactive online lesson that teaches young drivers and bicyclists the rules for car-bicycle interactions and how to avoid common types of crashes. Lincoln Park Academy HOPE classes will earn $500 for their participation in this safety program.