Advanced Studies Coordinator

Ms. Cristina Kundrot





AICE Diploma and Bright Futures

Students who earn an AICE diploma, based on AICE exams taken prior to high school graduation, have completed the community service requirement, and submit their Florida Financial Aid Applications, will earn the Florida Academic Scholars award (100% Bright Futures).  Completion of the AICE curriculum would require students to complete seven AICE courses and take the examinations for each with at least one course and examination being from each of the three subject areas:  Mathematics & Sciences, Languages, and Arts and Humanities and successful completion of Global Perspectives.  A student’s Bright Futures Evaluation Report will indicate a student has completed the AICE curriculum if the student’s transcript has six completed (or up to one credit in each academic area in progress) AICE course credits (with at least one credit being from each of the three subject groups).For more information, please visit the Florida Bright Futures Homepage.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do students have to earn the full AICE Diploma in order to earn college credits?

No. Students receive General Certificate of Education (GCE) subject certificates for AS and A Level examinations passed. Colleges award credit on a subject-by-subject basis, according to grades earned on individual examinations passed.

How do AICE examination grades compare with the US grading scale?

Passing grades available on AICE exams range from A to E with A being the highest. Performance of students below the threshold of a CIE grade of E receives a grade of U, ungraded, which is not considered as passing. A DOE AICE program study found that a CIE grade of E most closely correlated with an Advanced Placement exam grade of 3 and a US grade of C.

Do many colleges and universities award credit for examinations passed?

Yes. CIE publishes a list on their website of US universities that have provided written statements of their AICE recognition policy (which includes AS and A Levels). If a university admissions counselor is unfamiliar with AICE, ask to speak to the international applications counselor. All public universities and community colleges in Florida award up to 30 hours of college credit for AICE exams passed. For more information about college credit for examinations passed in Florida, visit the page on Articulation.

In addition, the Florida DOE recognizes the AICE program as an official acceleration mechanism and is included in the Bright Futures Scholarship Program as an additional means to earn scholarship monies. Students who earn the AICE Diploma and have 100 community service hours are given the 100% Academic Scholars Award. Students who complete the diploma program, but do not earn the scholarship can still earn the 100% scholarship with appropriate SAT and ACT test scores. The 75%, Medallion Scholars Award is available to AICE Program completers as well as for students who do not meet the high level SAT and ACT score requirements. For more information, please visit the Florida Bright Futures Homepage.