Lincoln Park Academy students showcased their exceptional creativity, teamwork, and problem-solving skills at the Odyssey of the Mind Palm Regional Competition, earning top honors and securing their place at the State Championship in April!
Our Middle School Division II team took home 1st place in Problem 3: “Cooking With a Book”. This challenge required students to develop an original performance inspired by a classic piece of literature, incorporating an inventive cooking device and humorous character interactions. Their ability to blend storytelling with engineering ingenuity set them apart from the competition.
Meanwhile, our High School Division III team delivered an outstanding performance in Problem 3: “AstronOmical”, earning 2nd place. This challenge involved creating a humorous space-themed performance, complete with technical elements that showcased their ability to think outside the box. Their impressive showing demonstrated LPA’s commitment to innovation and excellence.
With these victories, both teams have qualified for the Odyssey of the Mind State Championship in April, where they will compete against the most creative minds in Florida. Their success is a testament to their dedication, perseverance, and ability to solve complex problems through teamwork and originality.
Congratulations to our talented students for their hard work and commitment to excellence! Let’s continue to support and cheer them on as they prepare for the next stage of the competition.
#LPAOdysseyOfTheMind #StateBound #CreativeThinkers #LeavingALegacy #TheLPAStandard