On Tuesday, October 29, Lincoln Park Academy’s National Junior Honor Society contributed 138 cans of Chef Boyardee to The Giving Concert in honor of Grace Packs. LPA teacher and NJHS adviser, Dr. Rennaker, asked the members to contribute cans to help Grace Packs accumulate food. Grace Packs is best known for sending backpacks of food and snacks home, with eligible elementary and middle school students, on Fridays.
9th grade LPA students, Olivia Costa and Victoria Townsel, volunteered to pack up the boxes and deliver them to the auditorium. These members are also working on two contests: club t-shirt design and banner design for the club.
In addition to collecting food for Grace Packs, the members are bringing in socks for SOCTOBER to support the middle school student council. During the most recent NJHS meeting, on October 16, students were entered into a drawing and 7th grade member, Marcuz Abo, won a wireless speaker. The next meeting is Wednesday, November 20 where students will be making holiday cards for local senior citizens.