For information, please contact our AICE Coordinator: Mr. Erik Wile
Recognition in the USA – Progression with Cambridge programmes and qualifications(wmv)
AICE is an international diploma that students can earn via an advanced academic curriculum and assessment program written and administered by a non-profit department (CIE) of the University of Cambridge in England.
AICE not only prepares students to receive acceptance into a university with up to 30 hours of college credit; but also provides students with the skills required to be successful once matriculating.

At Treasure Coast High School we offer:
Mathematics & Sciences: Biology, Marine Science, Psychology, Chemistry, Biology, Environmental Management, Mathematics and Information Technology.
Languages: English Language, Spanish Language, French Language
Arts & Humanities: Economics, Psychology, U.S. History, European History, English Literature, Spanish Literature, Sociology, and Drama.
Interdisciplinary: English General Paper, Thinking Skills
Global Perspectives: This is a required class for all students seeking the AICE diploma. Global Perspectives is a skills-based course that prepares learners for positive engagement with our rapidly changing world. Learners broaden their outlook through the critical analysis of – and reflection on – issues of global significance. They will develop unique, transferable skills including research, critical thinking and communication.
All students zoned for Treasure Coast are not required to fill-out the application. Students seeking a curriculum-based transfer students MUST fill-out the AICE Application. Please click this link. AICE Application
- Grades (minimum 3.0 GPA on core academic subjects)
- FCAT Scores (minimum 3 or above) or comparable national examinations
- Teacher recommendations (one with each from English, Math, and Science).
- Current math placement and grade (minimum Algebra I and above)
- Conduct Records
- Attendance Records
In addition, all Curriculum based transfer students MUST fill-out the AICE Application. Treasure Coast zoned students are not required to fill-out the application. Please click this link. AICE Application.
What characteristics are apparent in an AICE Student?
- Self-motivated
- Self-disciplined
- Excellent expressive writer
- Good time manager
- Organized
- Possesses leadership qualities
- Passionate about learning
AICE Benefits
- AICE courses and examinations are equivalent to first year college and university courses (See Course Equivalents for more detail).
- Students who pass the battery of seven examinations may be awarded the AICE Diploma directly by the University of Cambridge. Students who do not earn the AICE Diploma may receive college credit through exams passed.
- AICE and Pre-AICE teachers at Treasure Coast High School are trained and certified directly by Cambridge. Each course strictly follows a course syllabus that is designed by Cambridge professors.
- AICE students are eligible for the Florida Bright Futures Scholarship.
- Rigorous college preparatory
- AICE Students may earn a cord to wear at graduation by attempting six (6) AICE exams and/or passed six (6) exams while earning C’s or better in AICE courses.
- AICE Students may earn a Stole to wear at graduation by successfully completing the AICE Diploma
AICE Diploma
The AICE Diploma requires passing exams in at least seven courses(credits).Each Cambridge AS Level Exam counts as one full credit.
Students must pass at least one exam in each of the three subject areas (Mathematics & Science, Languages and Arts & Humanities) and an additional three examinations in any area plus Global Perspectives.
There are three (3) different levels of AICE Diplomas based upon the final marks earned on the examinations for the seven (7) courses taken towards the Diploma option. Performance on each examination earns the student points towards the AICE Diploma.
For more information, click here.
Grading and Award of the Diploma
For AS examinations, candidates are graded on an alphabetical scale, A to E, with grade A indicating a top level of performance and grade E indicating a minimum passing grade.. The results for examinations are sent to schools, in the form of a Statement of Results, in the middle of August for candidates who have taken the examinations in June. The results for the November examinations are sent to schools in late January. Certificates for successful candidates are normally sent to schools after the end of the results enquiry period.
The AICE Diploma requires the study of subjects drawn from three curriculum areas. These three broad areas are:
- Mathematics and Science (Group 1)
- Languages (Group 2)
- Arts and Humanities (Group 3)
To obtain an AICE Diploma, candidates will be required:
- To be entered for it,
- To obtain at least six credits plus Global Perspectives
- To obtain at least one credit in each of the three curriculum groups.
Performance that meets the requirements of the group award will receive the Cambridge AICE Diploma. The statement of results will show the grades achieved by the student in each of the subjects taken in the final session, as well as the overall level of achievement and points earned in the group award.
Candidates who achieve ADIP in one session will receive an ADIP Statement of Results, a GCE Certificate showing the grades achieved in individual subjects and a separate ADIP Certificate.
Candidates who fail the AICE Diploma will still receive a GCE Certificate reporting their performance.
Multi-session candidates, at the end of each session, will receive a GCE Statement of Result and Certificate where applicable and will be certificated for the AICE Diploma at the end of the final session.
Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program
- Complete the AICE curriculum requirements as determined by the Florida Department of Education
- Meet the appropriate SAT or ACT test score
- Earn the community service hours: FAS – 100, FMS – 75
AICE Diploma and Bright Futures
Frequently Asked Questions
Do students have to earn the full AICE Diploma in order to earn college credits?
No. Students receive General Certificate of Education (GCE) subject certificates for AS and A Level examinations passed. Colleges award credit on a subject-by-subject basis, according to grades earned on individual examinations passed.
How do AICE examination grades compare with the US grading scale?
Passing grades available on AICE exams range from A to E with A being the highest. Performance of students below the threshold of a CIE grade of E receives a grade of U, ungraded, which is not considered as passing. A DOE AICE program study found that a CIE grade of E most closely correlated with an Advanced Placement exam grade of 3 and a US grade of C.
Do many colleges and universities award credit for examinations passed?
Yes. CIE publishes a list on their website of US universities that have provided written statements of their AICE recognition policy (which includes AS and A Levels). If a university admissions counselor is unfamiliar with AICE, ask to speak to the international applications counselor. All public universities and community colleges in Florida award up to 30 hours of college credit for AICE exams passed. For more information about college credit for examinations passed in Florida, visit the page on Articulation.
In addition, the Florida DOE recognizes the AICE program as an official acceleration mechanism and is included in the Bright Futures Scholarship Program as an additional means to earn scholarship monies. Students who earn the AICE Diploma and have 100 community service hours are given the 100% Academic Scholars Award. Students who complete the diploma program, but do not earn the scholarship can still earn the 100% scholarship with appropriate SAT and ACT test scores. The 75%, Medallion Scholars Award is available to AICE Program completers as well as for students who do not meet the high level SAT and ACT score requirements. For more information, please visit the Florida Bright Futures Homepage.
Helpful Information and Websites
Ever wonder which colleges already accept your AICE credits?
Check out the Cambridge International Examinations College Recognition List
There are over 400 colleges and universities listed!!!
Cambridge Outlook Magazine – a wonderful way to find out what is happening with Cambridge throughout the United States and around the world.
Cambridge Student Website – helpful information about the courses which you are taking, including syllabus information and sample test questions.
Transcript Request – to have your AICE transcripts sent to the college which you will be attending, fill out the attached form and mail to Cambridge. Do not forget to place your candidate number in the spot provided.
Universities and employers worldwide recognize Cambridge qualifications. Cambridge AS and A Level qualifications are recognized by many universities worldwide as proof of the ability required to enter a degree course. Find out which institutions recognize CIE qualifications. Visit the Recognition search page by clicking here.