Our Visual and Performing Arts department has become an intricate part of TCHS. Below, you will find descriptions of each program offered in the  Visual and Performing Arts.

Visual Arts



Drawing with Mr Pascucci encompasses the universal Art Elements and Design Principles. Specific project topics include abstract design and basic rendering, as well as figure drawing, perspective landscapes, portraiture, still-lifes and more!

2D/3D Art

In these classes, you will learn various types of art from “Black Out” poems to Painting with acrylics.


Photography 1 deals with an introduction to the history and mechanics of a Digital Single Lens Reflex camera.  Whether the student intends on becoming a professional photographer or just use their skill as a hobby, this is a great course for becoming a better photographer.

Digital Art & Design

Though Digital Art &  Design I, II and III follows a rigorous curriculum. It offers great results that can be applied to many other career paths. The technology comes second to the design. The most important thing to have when considering digital design as your next elective is a disciplined and creative attitude.

Performing Arts


The Titan Band is one of the largest and most diverse student organizations at Treasure Coast High School. Members of the Titan Band learn the life and academic skills necessary to perform music at a high level. All students at TCHS are able to participate in the Titan Band.


The most successful Dance department in the St Lucie School District welcomes young men and women of all types to join in dance. Ms. Salo’s dance classes will teach the student discipline, how to take care of the the dancing body, how to move with grace and modern moves.


It’s an outlet for the creative actor… The theater/drama department welcomes all students who have an interest in learning the skill of acting. These classes help students in so many ways. The class will turn that shy student into someone who can make a crowd laugh or cry. The classes will also help with memorization and public speaking skills. Join Ms. Posso in learning to be comfortable in front of people.