Dual Enrollment Eligibility Requirements

■ Earned at least four (4) core high school credits (ex. English, Math, Science, Social Studies, and World Language)
■ Meet college placement criteria (usually met with PERT exam administered on IRSC campus).
SAT, ACT, or PSAT-NMSQT can also be used to meet college placement criteria.
■ Have a minimum 3.0 unweighted high school cumulative grade point average. (Check Skyward)

■ Must be on track for graduation including state FAST and BEST.

Next Steps

1. Confirm that you have at least a 3.0 unweighted GPA and 4 high school core academic credits (ex. English, Math, Science, World Language, Social Studies) with our high school counselor. You must be on track including the state testing graduation requirements for reading and math.
2. Read and review the St Lucie County Dual Enrollment Contract. The contract must be signed by the student and parent then emailed to monica.brooks@stlucieschools.org
3. Watch the step-by-step video application tutorial. It is very important to watch the entire tutorial!!!!!
4. Complete the online IRSC Dual Enrollment Application online. You will upload the dual enrollment program agreement to your IRSC application. You will upload the Dual Enrollment Program Agreement to your online IRSC application.
You do not need my signature, IRSC will send me an electronic notification to approve. You must upload the Dual Enrollment Program agreement to your online dual enrollment application.

Please contact the IRSC Dual Enrollment Specialist (Mercedes Liriano-White) if you have questions regarding the IRSC Dual Enrollment Application.

Phone: (772) 462-7644       Email: mliriano@irsc.edu


5. Use your personal email address when completing the online IRSC dual enrollment application. IRSC will be sending you emails that include your IRSC student number required to take the PERT along with a MyPioneerPortal Activation link. MyPioneer Portal is how you will access Workday, Rivermail, Blackboard, register for classes, and check for holds on your account. See the next section below information on signing up to take the PERT at IRSC.

Sign up to take the PERT at IRSC

6. Sign up to take the PERT ASAP.  You will receive your IRSC student ID via the email you used on your IRSC application. Your IRSC ID is located on the confirmation that is sent to you from IRSCTeams message Ms. Brooks once you have taken the PERT test at IRSC.

Postsecondary Education Readiness Test (PERT)

The PERT is offered daily at each Indian River State College campus. Photo identification is required. Testing schedules and more information are available online at all Indian River State College campuses.

Additional IRSC Dual Enrollment Information

SLS 1101 Student Success is the required first course in the IRSC Academic Dual Enrollment Program.

New dual enrollment students are encouraged to take SLS 1101 on the PSLHS campus in the Fall or Spring so it can be built into their school day schedule.  Students taking a dual enrollment course off campus must be able to provide their own transportation to arrive to school late and/or leave early to accommodate the off campus dual enrollment course(s). Students must have a total of 7 classes that includes off campus dual enrollment and high school courses.

If you do not secure a seat in SLS 1101 on the Port St Lucie High School campus, you will need to secure your own transportation to and from school to accommodate an off campus SLS 1101 class as one of your seven classes. Students are allowed a maximum of seven total classes (high school and dual enrollment).

All DE students must have a 60-credit IRSC Academic Plan from IRSC by the end of their first semester of dual enrollment. Dual Enrollment covers 60 IRSC credits. Students must meet with their IRSC Academic Advisor to secure an IRSC Academic Plan. An Academic Plan is the list of courses the student will need to take at IRSC for an AA Degree.
Dual enrollment students must provide their own transportation for Dual Enrollment Courses not offered on the PSLHS campus. Students are not allowed to stay on the PSLHS campus during the day when they are not schedule a PSLHS class. The total number of classes is 7 that included dual enrollment courses. Dual enrollment classes cannot conflict with scheduled high school classes.

Students with off campus or online dual enrollment classes must complete the 2025-2026 Abbreviated Schedule Form that must include the parent signature with a notary stamp. The notarized abbreviated form confirms that the student will have their own transportation to leave early or arrive late to accommodate the off-campus course.  The completed form should be emailed to monica.brooks@stlucieschools.org.

IRSC Dual Enrollment Important Dates